“I’ve got a friend, a guy that I know and I gave him a lift home from work one day and it was a lovely weekend, really nice and sunny. The guy’s got three kids and I said to him: “what are you doing this weekend?” and he said: “I’m gonna go into my cave”. I said “what do you mean go into your cave?”. He said: “I’ve got a room in my house, I close the curtains and I sit there. I play on my Xbox or my Playstation” and I said to him: “what are you doing? Why would you spend a weekend, like this weekend, sat in a dark room playing computer games”. The guy’s got three kids and you need to get out there with the kids, get them involved, get involved in stuff and there’s so much to see and do out there, even if it’s not sunny. When I go windsurfing it’s rainy and stormy but I’m out there, actually I look forward to those conditions and there’s too much to do in life rather then to sit around in a “cave”. You need to get out of that “cave” and join in, do stuff and be happy and live your life”. – Phil Plume